These days there are many different ways of growing plants and the choice depends very much on a grower’s preference. There are three popular choices when it comes to growing - Hydroponics, Soil and Coco. These methods vary widely according to the source, understanding the source of your media can lead to a grower getting better results.
Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is the growing of plants in a soil less medium or an aquatic based environment.
Find Out MoreThe best potting mix to use is one that is formulated and blended specifically for use in pots and containers. Normally, such a mix will contain peat and sand, grit, pebbles or perlite.
Find Out MoreCoco can be purchased loose in bags and also in compressed form as ‘bricks’. Although coco is not really inert there is not enough residual nutrient value within the medium to support plant growth.
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