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Orchid Focus Grow & Bloom

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Orchid Focus Grow & Bloom

Orchid Focus is manufactured from pure mineral salts and enriched with concentrated organic plant acids. It contains no urea which damages the sensitive orchid roots. Never use a fertiliser that contains urea for your orchids – it is irresponsibly made.

Orchid Focus Grow - for the vegetative periods of Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Odontoglossum, Cambria, Brassia, Miltonia and others. It contains all the necessary nutrients for optimal leaf and shoot production.

Orchid Focus Bloom - for Phalaenopsis at all stages, and for the flowering stage of Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Odontoglossum, Cambria, Brassia, Miltonia and others. Contains all the necessary nutrients for optimal flowering.


Available in:

100 ml
300 ml
1 litre

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