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African Violet Repotting Mix

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African Violet Repotting Mix

Designed for best results with African Violets (Saintpaulias), Gloxinia, Streptocarpus and all gesneriads. It is light, porous and free draining to promote healthy root growth.
African Violets need repotting every 6-12 months.  They can be repotted at any time of the year.
  • Carefully ease the plant from the old container.
  • Remove all flowers and the older or damaged leaves, leaving about 10-15 in total.
  • With the back of the knife, gently scrape the stem below the remaining leaves and remove any old dried plant tissue to encourage rooting.  Remove any loose potting mix.
  • Place the plant in a pot of a similar size.  Place some compost in the bottom of the pot, hold the plant in place and carefully fill the pot up to the base of the bottom leaves.  Water the pot thoroughly and allow to drain well.
  • To encourage healthy growth and flowering, start feeding with African Violet Focus.


Available in:

3 litres

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